The dreaded leader of a drug cartel escapes
out of an FBI van and sets off in his speed demon, Corvette ZR1, to the Mexican
border. An innocuous sheriff, along with inexperienced accomplices, tries his
best to stop the escapee.
While the action (comprising several chase
sequences) in the film is above-par, the story just doesn’t make the cut.
Arnold Schwarzenegger ambles away as the leading man, but even he looks tired
and disinterested. The writing, which includes the plot and the dialogues, is
not strong enough and at two hours, the film doesn’t have enough steam to hold
your attention.

The film doesn’t offer much, in terms of
action, story, thrills or Arnold! Yes, even the mega-action star fails to
salvage anything out of this lost cause. There are a couple of scenes, one
wherein Cortez escapes and another where one of Ray’s men goes berserk over the
villains, which manage to hold your unwavering attention. However, at two
hours, the film is too long and tedious. The ‘emotional’ moments in the film
don’t strike a chord, and you may hardly guffaw, as several supposedly funny
gags play out on the screen.
Director Jee-woon Kim could have done
better with a cleverer script. ‘The Last Stand’ doesn’t stand a chance!
I wish everyone would stop saying Arnie is using A mini-gun. The weapon is A world war one era Maxium machine gun. The design is about one hundred years old.